According to CNN, Sean Spicer’s days as press secretary are numbered, which is highly disappointing for those of us who thoroughly enjoy Melissa McCarthy’s impression of him on Saturday Night Live.
Apparently they’re considering taking him away from the podium and giving him a new role somewhere in the White House.
Spicer’s time at the White House briefing room podium in recent weeks has decreased amid rumors that hewould soon transition to a different role, with some suggesting the President was unhappy with Spicer’s performance in the public-facing role.
In other words, dude just wasn’t saying what Trump wanted him to say for the past six months.
If you feel bad for him, there’s now a way you can help kind of. Okay, not really. But the crew over at Funny or Die thinks they just might have a way to soften the blow.
They redid one of those heartbreaking Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials, asking us to help Sean Spicer.
Yes, for just a few dollars a month, you could help Sean Spicer survive in the harsh world that awaits him now that he is being replaced as White House Press Secretary.
Via: Funny or DIe
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