Being a woman is R-O-U-G-Hrough. Always has been. And recent events, including but not limited to putting a sexist pig in the White House, have seemed to open the floodgates of rampant misogyny even more than they were open before.
And they’ve always been more than ajar.
Luckily, there are incredibly funny, smart women on the Internet who are helping us laugh our way through smashing the patriarchy. Here are some of their gems.
Not For You
Men, Imma hit you with a radical notion: Makeup is not for you! What women choose to wear has nothing to do with you! It’s not to entice you.
If you’re “distracted” by spaghetti straps or lipstick, that’s on you, bub. The sexualization of women is a patriarchal construct. Get over it.
The Sound of Their Own Voice
“Stop talking so much and listen to me wax pedantic on the nuanced social statements inherent in the subtle changes in Rambo’s haircuts throughout the movie series. It’s three hours long.”
The Art of Distraction
Bring your pitchforks and your tampons.
Those will scare men away like you wouldn’t believe.
Catcalling Dad
“He told me to smile and I thought, ‘Wow, you know what? You’re right. And how did you know that I love strange men yelling instructions at me in the street? It was obviously meant to be.’”
“Women’s Work”
This is the best use of embroidery and memes.
Can You Hear Me?
OK, this is hilarious.Arthur is a surprisingly perfect minefield for feminist memes. Love that little aardvark.
This little girl is fiercely holding up a bird of prey the size of her body, meanwhile here’s the actual president of the United States flinching at a bald eagle.
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